Time for the data dump for the week.
The biggest news of all: My brother is getting married!!!!!! My younger brother, my only brother. He is in his mid-forties and living with his wonderful girlfriend for about 10 years, but this June they are going to get hitched. It will be a small mellow ceremony in a nature preserve and planning is still in progress. We will be there!!!
Warm temperatures this week in the midwest that has me a little freaked out. Late June weather in March??? Yes I do worry about global warming.
A sign of Spring: the goldfinches are back! And yesterday they circled my empty thistle seed feeder, loudly complaining. I'll have to get some seed at the store this weekend. I like all birds but goldfinches are one of my favorites. I have one of those feeders where the birds hang upside down to get at the thistle seed. It's so fun to watch the goldfinches eat this way, and the purple finches can't do it and fall off.
The Girl has a wonderful science teacher this year, and she has become interested in marine biology. So I looked up on the internet marine biology summer camps. Some are sailing cruises and offer scuba training too. The price will give you sticker shock! Yet it's understandable: these camps need a qualified staff and upkeep and overhead must be much more than a tent camp in the woods of the Midwest.
We are going to wait a few years - she is a bit too young we think right now. And see if her interests continue, or perhaps switch. Maybe she would like an art and music camp in the future. The tiger mom and dad in us also would like this kind of experience to be during high school, so it can be part of her college application. Oh yes, and we do have to save some more money!
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