Newest news first. #1 son is suspended for 5 days and I interrupted my blogging to go pick him up at school this morning. He has this occasional habit of picking up cigarette butts and collecting them in a plastic bag. He cannot explain why. He doesn't smoke. Well, today he brought this bag to school and was found out. There is a no-tobacco policy at school so he is suspended. The vice principal was apologetic, as he too knows #1 Son does not smoke.
As always, Son claims he's not in trouble.
The agony of twelve year old girl friendships: A misunderstanding between the Girl and a friend blew up and involved other girls. And some other girl's cell phones were used to send not-nice texts to the friend. My daughter does not have a cell phone but she was involved, so she is grounded too, for a week. I don't think she is getting a cell phone anytime soon. 12 is too young to have a cell phone! The potential for misuse is so high.
I wasn't able to get to my sewing room this week and do any sewing or quilting, so no Tuesday quilt block. Maybe next week, when I am home with #1 son.
It's the last week of school at the college where I work. So stress levels are high, among faculty and students. Finals week comes almost as a relief to some of us.
It's an old saying, but I wish I had this as a bumper sticker: "Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasekt?"
See more fragmenters at Mrs. 4444's blog.