Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 1, 2008
DJ triangle; Norway's Fiord TR7
I have printed out pieces for a corner kite - here we go!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
More Dear Jane blocks
Monday, October 20, 2008
What kind of flower are you?
I am a |
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I finished my 100th Dear Jane Block. It is G-8, Justin's Comet. AKA Lemoyne star. No picture yet, I'll try to take one tomorrow.
100 blocks, 27 triangles, 2927 pieces
Friday, October 10, 2008
Family bonding over the economy
Now when I call him I greet him as a fellow comrade in the Socialist Republic of the United States. How much of the financial market can the US Government take over before we are technically in socialism?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sunflower days Part II
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunflower days

I'm blogging now b/c school is starting soon and I won't have much time in a few weeks!!
Dear Jane Hall of Shame

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Mysterious fabric

I was digging through my stash, looking for reproduction fabrics, when this fabric popped out. It is a series of strips of different fabrics, all repros just perfect for my Dear Jane quilt. The thing is - I don't remember it at all! I don't remember buying it, or when! Maybe it entered my stash through a warp in the space-time continuum.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Brute force applique: results

Friday, August 1, 2008
Nature photos

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Brute Force Applique

Here is F-13, Tour de France. Iron your applique pieces flat, flattening out rumples and lumpy points.
5. Place your applique piece on background fabric. Pin into place. Put the point of the pin to back side of your piece so that your thread does not catch on it.
6. Using best needle and thin thread, applique around your piece. I finish, remove the basting stitches, then cut a slit in the back and remove the freezer paper with tweezers. Or, you may stop 3/4 of the way and remove the basting, then remove the FP.

Iron block flat.
I started doing this when just a crease was not enough to follow, or, with freezer paper on the back (no basting) the FP would slide off and my melons would look strange.
Not recommended for heirloom sewing! :-)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The view from here
Sunday, June 1, 2008
D-11 in paper-piecing
Part of the Jane journey is learn new techniques. However right now now I am resisting this. To do D-11, Snow Crystal, once can piece the inner square and triangles, do some Y-seams and inset corners. Not me! I redrafted this - changing lines just a little - so that it can be paper pieced in several parts. I do own a copy of Electric Quilt software and could use it I suppose... but just did it with pencil and paper.
This makes block # 80 on my main quilt! Now I'll start some triangles.
1800's Christmas Jane 80, 17, 0, 2247
Pretty in Pink Jane 49, 15, 0, 1428
Friday, May 16, 2008
Nancee's Fantasy - next steps
Bottom picture: The beginning of my paper piecing. Not all is done, but you see I am able to keep the lozenge as one piece to feature a fabric print.
I highly recommend buying the Electric Quilt software (after getting the book of course!) It has been SO useful.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
LS1 Nancee's Fantasy my solution
I've got it!
This is the triangle of the week for the Dear Jane list. (See my link on the right). Nancee's Fantasy looks difficult, but I think I found a way to avoid set-in seams, if you don't mind foundation paper piecing 7 sections.
I used to not like paper piecing - I found it so frustrating. BUT, on these small DJ blocks it helps me get the accuracy I want. I just cut my pieces of fabric extra large and trim after I sew. The extra time and effort is worth the saved frutration.
Anyhow: take a look at my photo above, and click on it to see the large image and the details. Thank you to whoever on the list mentioned straight diagonal lines - then my inspiration came! I changed a line through one small triangle (see above) The center lozenge has two pieces of background fabric added to the bottom ( I added a seam here). The heavier lines outline the separate sections - I hope you can understand them. Then add the thin vertical section that is like a frame - 3 pieces here, all numbered. Then add the outer parts. Then add the two bottom sections. Each bottom section has one large triangle of your focus fabric, background fabric, then a tiny triangle of focus fabric. I sacrificed the shape and size of this little triangle, but I thought it was worth it.
After this bottom part is done, add the two triangles of background fabric, and then you are ready to add the point, which is also paper pieced.
Now; I haven't actually cut my fabric and pieced this, so I don't know how it will work. I plan to print out at least two more outline images of the triangle and cut them up into paper piecing sections. I'll post images of my progress.
Hey, a PHD is science is something- it has improved my problem-solving skills!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Jane Austen Character

![]() Jane Austen Character Selector, is Fanny from "Mansfield Park"! |
Click on the link and try it. Too funny.
Friday, April 18, 2008
April triangles
April quilt blocks
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Jane Inspiration: Architecture
The third house is right across the street from Jane's House. The gable window here is just like the block Quilt Jail.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Triangle Needle's Point - my solution
Saturday, March 8, 2008
30's stash - for Rosa

This picture is esp. for you. On the floor of my sewing room is the rest of my Dear Jane stash that didn't make it into my first picture, plus my old bureau, where every drawer is stuffed to the brim with 30's reproduction fabrics. I must have every repro fabric made since the very first Aunt Grace line, more than 15 years ago. On the floor is my recent overflow of actual 30s and 40s fabrics and more repros. Not shown in this picture: 2 under bed totes filled with actual vintage feed sacks, and two largish totes in my bedroom closet filled with more reproduction fabric, from the past few years after I filled this bureau. Other unsorted fabric is stuffed all around the room.
A confession
Sunday, March 2, 2008
More Dear Jane blocks
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
6 More Dear Jane blocks
here are six more jane blocks that I have finished some time ago. I now have 51 blocks done on my main project. I'll post these 6 by 6.
I broke my 'no-buy' rule this week. I'm cutting way back on fabric and quilting expenses. In fact I spent nearly nothing this year so far (OK, I paid a long arm quilter to quilt a single bed quilt.) But no fabric. Well, until I stopped to get yet more background fabric for my dear jane quilt. And bought fabrics on line at They have Civil War repros that you just can't find anywhere else.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Six blocks at a time
Here are some more Dear Jane blocks. Some I did at the very beginning of my journey, in October and November of 2007, and some more recently. Members of the Dear Jane email list may note some Blocks of the Month (BOW) here.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Dear Jane Block Photos
The pink triangles (in 1800's and double pinks) will be in a pink and white Dear Jane Quilt for my daughter.
The Brandon's star photo shows how I usually work. I make one in repro pinks, and another in 1800's or Civil War reproduction fabrics, using lots of red and green.