I wonder if the child with the long dark ringlets is a boy. In those days, all little ones were dressed in skirts. My mom tells a story about her father, my grandfather. When she and her brother were acting up, he would solemnly say,
"When I was a little girl, we never acted like this!"
"Oh, dad, you were never a little girl!" they would reply.
"Oh no?" And he would pull out a photo much like this of him and his younger brother, dressed in white blouses, skirts, and stockings. That silenced them!

Thanks for the chuckle. I can just imagine what they thought...if they would not behave they were going to turn into little boys! That is a riot.
Great post for VTT!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Some of my baby pictures have ringlets like that. I can't remember how they were made, but I know it wasn't with a curling iron.
Sweet pic, and funny story.
barbara jean
I love pictures from that era, when it seemed like nobody smiled for the camera! I'm sure life was pretty tough back then. Great pic and story!
Such a funny story! My mom has a pic of her brother at a young age, wearing a straw hat bedecked with ribbons draped down the back, and his hair was totally long ringlets! He wore knickers, but back then, younger boys wore dresses like the little girls!
What a FUN post. That little girl sitting up higher - - - what in the WORLD, or is it OUT OF THIS WORLD, did they think they were doing to her hair????
So funny.
what a gorgeous photo & wonderful story :)
I just posted the photo on Facebook of the three little boys. It was taken in 1913.
Love old photos!
Wonderful photo and story! I'm grinning ear to ear!
It's me again...I could not seem to find your email address...on the recipe. Just add it dry. I know that is strange but it works and comes out wonderful. It is super easy...trust me, I was making this as a 10 year old. The juices from the fruit and butter mix with the mix and the results are heaven on a spoon. Good luck!
What a great photo! I loved your story of your grandfather. Too funny! Great post. Thanks.
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