It was a very busy holiday season for me. But I did manage to sew some log cabin blocks over the break. I am using fabric that I collected in the '80's and '90's, to start a Christmas quilt. Well over the years I fell out of love with these fabrics, and some of them look downright ugly to me now. So the thing to do is to cut them into small pieces or strips and sew them together again,and get them out of the sewing room! Let's see what we have.
I hope you see my point. This block finishes at 7 inches square. As of last night I had sewn all blocks together and started adding simple 3 inch borders.
I am linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Quilt Story as I do most weeks I have blocks to share. Both blog hops have pictures of pretty quilt blocks and other projects. I am also joining Work in Progress Wednesday - some colorful and interesting projects there!
I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at