Yo yo quilting is more of a technique than a pattern. You cut circles (about 2 inches in diameter or larger? I've never done this) and press a small hem around the rim of the circle. Then with thread run a running stitch around the rim (circumference) and draw up, and tie off. Flatten into a circle with gathers in the middle. Make lots more and whip stitch together.
My first picture below shows a close up of some yo yo's.
Next, a mat made of yo yo's.
This style of quilt creates a great visual and actual texture, without adding much warmth. These kinds of quilts started showing up in the 1930's I believe, made with the bright pastel cottons of that era.
My mom remembers starting one of these as a child. Her aunt started herself and a cousin on yo yo's mainly to keep them out of trouble. I think the girls tired of it after about 6 yo yo's.
Not for me either - too much work!