Today I am joining in after a short absence with Mrs. 4444 at Half past Kissing time. See who else is fragmenting today.
We are back from a whirlwind family vacation. I slept in beds in 4 different places. After 12 days away I am glad to be in my own. I think the kids are glad to be back too.
Stop one: Niagara Falls, both the American and Canadian sides. Sure it's "just" a waterfall and parts are tacky but it's still amazing and great fun with children. We loved the Maid of the Mist boat ride right up to the Horseshoe Falls. It is more than amazing to look up (through water smeared glasses) and see 180 degrees from right to left of million of tons of water falling all around you. We also took the Whirlpool Jet boat ride and that was very exciting! Mom was more scared than the children, though really there is nothing to be scared of - these drivers and tour guides are experts! I could go on but this is a fragments post, and I only blog about family stuff for Friday Fragments.
The main reason for the trip east was my brother's wedding, a non-traditional one on the beach in Maine. The Girl was the flower girl and was excited and nervous ahead of time. I reminded her that the bride was the star of the day, not her.
We waited at the dune line and my brother, best man, and the minister (a good friend) walked closer to the waves (not too close). My brother drew a large heart in the sand. The families walked in, then the flower girl, then the bride and her father. The bride and groom stood at the top of the heart facing the families. Poetry was read, songs were sung, and promises made. It was wonderful.