Saturday, October 31, 2009
And so Blogtoberfest ends
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A-13: Starlight - Starbright

I paper-pieced the center, and paper-pieced the 4 outside pieces. I made 2 of the outside pieces longer than the others, for long straight seams to the corner.
Looking at picture 1 above, you may note a problem. The sides of the center part are a little short! Guess what, I didn't notice this until I had it all sewn together, and found out it was too small. Ha ha indeed.
On the Dear Jane list, I've heard it repeated, "When in doubt, applique the #^%$#$ piece on." Which I was going to do - press the seam allowances of the 4 outside pieces under, applique....
But I got impatient. I lined up the center piece with that blue triangle, and sewed just that little straight bit! I left the needle down, sewing foot up, adjusted the top and bottom, held them together, foot down, and sewed to the end. Then, pulled the piece out, adjusted the two ends that hadn't been sewn together yet, pinned them, placed so the needle was at the beginning of the first straight bit, and sewed away.
And you know what? I fingered pressed the seam and it lay flat. And I was deliriously happy. I sewed the other 3 outside pieces on. THAT'S when I noticed one direction was too small.
Should I leave it, to remind me of my false pride? Nah, I'll take it apart so that that it looks good - and to see if I can do this Y-seam business again.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yes We Can block 4

Our SECOND deadline has passed while I was away and sick. For round 2, we did 4.5 inch blocks that were not Dear Jane blocks, not Dear Hannah blocks. Above is a bud and leaves from a Carol Doak paper piecing pattern book. Though I could also look like a green crab with a mutant pink head.
Are you interested in joining? Please visit and join and send a message to the moderator. Membership does require approval.
I am not sure what round 3 will be.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I am still here!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Check out my postcard blog!
Please check out my Postcard blog for a little geologizing.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Vintage Thingy Thursday - the button box
At the thrift store I bought a bag of old mixed buttons from, I suspect, someone else's button box. I feel funny about opening the package and adding them to the 'original' collection. Will I lose contact with my grandmother and great-grandmother? Or is it the idea of a button box that is important?
In thinking of this this morning, I smile as I recall I am well into making my own button box stash: these buttons are the extras attached to purchases from Macy's, Coldwater Creek, Talbot's. Plus ones saved from thrift store purchases that are cut up for crafts.
See Coloradolady's blog for more vintage thingys! Always some wonderful contributions.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
There, I fixed it! Website for good laughs
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Triangle BR 8: Thunderhead

Pardon the dog ears and stray threads - I leave the triangles a little large until I'm ready to put the quilt together.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Blogtoberfest day 12: Fringed Gentian again

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tic Tac Toe

This is block C-4 of the Jane Stickle quilt. Those green sqares and white strips are pretty darn small. I paperpieced the center section (not easy! my fingers felt so big!) and added the four green triangles. For the outer pieces, I changed the seam lines so each corner can be paperpieced,then each can be added on. I have done this block for my pink and white DJ quilt also.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Let's see where we are....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Vintage Thingy Thursday-Oct. 7
Here is something Colorado Lady will love.
Here is a quaint book I purchased in a small vintage bookstore, so crowded with books there was scarcely space to move about. This was Nancy L Dole, Books and Ephemera, 32 Bridge Street, 2 nd floor, Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts.
The Crest of the Continent: a Record of a Summer’s Ramble in the Rocky Mountains and Beyond. By Ernest Ingersoll. Published, by R.R. Donnelley and Sons, Chicago, in 1885. 344 pages, with map.
This is the story of Mr. Ingersoll and his wife, going all over Colorado and exclaiming over the sights.
For example, on the first view of the Rockies, after traveling over the Great Plains:
“There are the Rocky Mountains!” I strained my eyes in the direction of his finger, but for a minute I could see nothing. Out against a bright sky dawned slowly the undefined shimmering trace of something a little bluer. … It is impossible to imagine them built of earth, rock, anything terrestrial; to fancy them cloven by horrible chasms, or shaggy with giant woods. They are made out of the air and the sunshine which show them. Nature has dipped her pencil in the faintest solution of ultramarine, and drawn it once across the Western sky with a hand tender as Love’s.”
Whew! I shall take a rest on my fainting couch. There’s more, on the everlasting snow, etc. but that is enough.
They took a Pullman train to Pueblo, and then north to Denver. At Denver, on the spur of the moment, they decided to take their ramble. But how?
They considered:
1. Walking.
2. Tramping, with burros to carry their things, and maybe a few others to carry themselves. (number of burros not specified).
3. Same, with pack mules. ('Is there a difference?' asks this modern girl)
4. Hire a “ambulance kind of wagon with bedroom and kitchen and all the other attachments.” Boy, this sound just like a mobile home/recreational vehicle! The roads were a lot worse back then though, and there were much less of them.
However, the Ingersolls did what any wealthy Victorian couple would do – they chartered a train! And since they wanted to tour the mountains, they arranged to go on the Denver and Rio Grande narrow gauge lines. The Animas River Canyon - Click on it, enlarge, and note the train engine at the bottom.
A few narrow gauge lines are left and you too can go on a trip like this, though not in a private train. Check out the Durango and Silverton Railroad. - it goes down this very canyon.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Attic Window triangle
Seems like it should be easy to do, huh? Except for inset (AKA Y seams) and possibly appliqued diamonds.
I printed out the pattern from Electric Quilt. I added lines at the top diamond, so that it can be paper pieced. The square on point below it becomes a separate section. Looking carefully at the photographs in The Book, I could see there were two extra appliqued triangles. Hmm, I'll think about it.
Next: force Electric Quilt to group pieces into section for paper piecing. How I do this: I select my block or triangle of choice and put it on the worktable. Click and hold on the printer icon, then slide down and choose "Foundation Pattern".
Now, for this one, EQ will state that "this block has a patch with an inside corner, so it cannot be automatically numbered for paper piecing. To add your own numbers, click on each patch in order."
At the top of this window, click on the tab labeled "Sections".
To change the paper piecing units, click on the "Start Over" button.
Then click on the patches you want to be together, the "Group" button.
When I first started on this project, I did not know enough to do this, nor how to group patches into workable paper-piecing units. But, I have learned a lot over this 2 year journey. You can too. And, look at my printout below, and my pencilled corrections to see my way doing this triangle.

Below: sections individually paper-pieced.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blogtoberfest: Bedrock Geology of Illinois

From the back:
Sedimentary rocks ranging in age from about 510 million (Cambrian) to 290 million (Pennsylvanian) are at the bedrock surface in Illinois and were deposited in and near ancient fluctuating seas. Cretaceous sands and gravels deposited in extreme southern and western Illinois are about 100 to 66 million years old. Tertiary rocks were deposited as coastal plain and deltaic sediments between 66 and 2 million years ago. Coal, oil and gas, building stone, fluorite, clays, groundwater and other resources in the bedrock contribute several billion dollars annually to the Illinois economy.
Illinois Geological Survey, 615 East Peabody Drive, Champaign, Illinois.
In Europe, The time period correlating to the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian periods is known as the Carboniferous. It was a time of great swamps, both in physical extent and how long they lasted. Large amounts of plant material were deposited, which later changed to coal. Half of the USA’s electricity is generated from Coal-fired power plants, so this is still a major commodity. (It sells for $40 - $50 a short ton – don’t ask what a short ton is!) See more information (LOTS more) at the Energy Information Administration
Fluorite is a mineral with the chemical composition CaF2 – calcium fluoride. It is mined for the fluorine for industrial purposes.
We are in the heart of the continent – lots of flat-lying sedimentary rocks here.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Blogtoberfest: Mellow Yellow Monday
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Blogtoberfest: TV shows I'm watching
I am watching and liking for the most part, in no particular order:
1. Project Runway on Lifetime. Though the challenges are pretty lame this season. Tim Gunn is the best.
2. Top Chef on Bravo. I could never design and sew like the designer on PR (I do quilting - straight seams and applique) but it is possible I could cook some delicious food like TC. Though a year in cooking school would help tremendously.
3. Castle, on Monday nights. Mom got me interested in this. Fluff but fun. Murder mystery writer hangs out with NYC detectives. It even says "WRITER" on the back of his bullet-proof vest.
4. Glee on Fox, Wednesday nights. Now this one is great, my new favorite. Sure it's got problems, but it is funny - and music! and singing! in prime time! And it's not a contest with snarky judges!
See Jen's post at Buried with Children. She has the promotional video embedded in her blog. I don't know how to do this, and laundry is calling so I don't have time to learn. :-)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Blogtober fest 09
What is it?
All it involves is blogging every day in October. However, as Tinnie says, it is a way to spend more time on your blog, to craft your words, write about different subjects, and so on. There will be memes and giveaways and surprises.
But something every day. And there are 31 days in October. Oh boy. Since I don't blog about family or work, I guess that leaves quilting, other crafts, postcards and Postcrossing, getting older, stories.