Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Snowball blocks: now in early 1800's reproduction fabric

 Hello, and welcome to my blog on quilting projects.

I think I am working in a series.  I have been sewing up some snowball blocks in reproduction fabric:

a. in late 1800's repro fabric

b. in 1930's - 1940's repro fabric.

Now I have a new project in mind: use my stash of early 1800's reproduction fabric, in a little bit larger block size.  Did I mention I love studying antique quilts, and collecting reproduction fabric?

Using a tan solid I had in stash, here are the first 9 blocks:

Blocks finish at 8 inches square.  The tan is a little dark, but we just bought a new car, so I must be frugal and use what I have.  I have 2.5 yards of the tan.  I hope it is enough.

I kept making blocks:

Fabrics of the time period 1810 - 1840 were big and bold - no little calico prints.  That came later.  

More work on this project today I hope!

Linking up with Midweek MakersWednesday Wait Loss, Needle and Thread Thursday, Put your Foot Down at the Quiltery, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at



  1. very nice so far....i too am sewing up repro scraps...

  2. Hi Viridian,

    It's interesting to learn that the smaller prints that I usually think of reproduction prints didn't come until later than 1840.

    The 1930's are the ones I rememeber most from childhood. I'm not so old I was around in 1930 but the 1930's reproductions were popular the year I was six. My mom let me pick out fabric and made me summer tops. I loved all the little prints. It's funny but 50+ years later I still remember those tops.

    Love your snowball blocks. They will make a beautiful quilt!


  3. I think the tan fabric is perfect. It helps that it is a solid versus print. Thus you favorite reproduction fabrics are showcased delightfully.

  4. Nice blocks! I think it will be lovely reproduction quilt and I like the tan color!

  5. Beautiful blocks! This is the perfect way to showcase those wonderful early 1800s reproduction fabrics. You have a good collection!

  6. What a great block to showcase your collection of early reproduction prints! Like your background
