Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pink and white log cabin: progress report

Hello and welcome to my blog.

I reported in a previous post the start of this project: a log cabin quilt top in reproduction pink and white fabrics.  I dug deep into my stash. I have been very busy in my day job the past two weeks, but I managed to finish some blocks to show today:

Each log finishes at one inch wide, and the finished block will be 10 inches square.

Laid out as I hope to set them:

This is very similar to a red and white log cabin quilt I finished earlier this year.  I like the stair step look of this straight furrows setting.  This is just the beginning, I have quite a bit more sewing to do!  I cut many many white and pink strips.  I hope to have a 80 inch by 90 inch quilt, maybe even larger!  It too will go to a local long arm quilter for quilting, and I will bind later.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Put your foot down at For the love of geese, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Why not a new project?

 I wrote last week about a finished quilt top - off to the long arm quilter soon.  Why not start a new project?  Yes, why not?

I have in mind a pink and white or cream log cabin quilt similar to the red and white log cabin I posted previously.  These strips are cut 1.5 inches wide for a finished width of 1 inch.  There is actually a pretty tall stack of strips here.  All of these pink strips fill a shoe box fully - which means that with the white strips to come, I will have enough for a 70 by 90 inch quilt, easy, if not larger.  Going through my extensive stash of pink fabrics, mostly reproduction double pinks, has been soothing in this crazy election season.  Now to attack my white and cream shirting fabrics!  You can see I have started on them.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Put your foot down at For the love of geese, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at
