Friday, July 20, 2018

Quilt top July 20

Good morning and welcome to my blog!
Oh boy do I have a lot of 2 inch cut strips!  All in 30's reproduction prints.  I pictured them in this post earlier this week.
Time to switch it up and try another pattern using 2 inch strips.  I printed out the instructions to Bonnie Hunter's Weed Whacker pattern, and started in.  At first I didn't like the blocks, but now that they are together I like the look:

Since taking this photo I have added a white border, but I am keeping it simple.
And guess what?   I still have plenty of strips left.  I think I can get two more quilt tops out of these.

Linking up with Can I get a Whoop Whoop.  Possibly also Oh Scrap on Sunday (if I remember to link!).

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at

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