Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bunk house or prairie braid quilt project

What a great stash-busting project!
Have you seen this kind of quilt pattern before? It's also sometimes called Braided Border. You work with long strips - adding light and dark fabrics to the end. Above is what they look like, rolled into a manageable size for the sewing machine.

This is what they look like unrolled and laid out side by side. You get a neat light and dark chevron pattern.

I am using instructions from Mary Ellen Hopkins A Log Cabin Notebook. Each individual strip is cut 1 and 1/2 inches by 6 inches - they finish at 1 inch wide.

Close up: What a great way to use up ugly fabric. Well, I thought it was pretty once! And you can mix contemporary and reproduction fabrics with 'vintage fabrics' from the 80's and 90's and it still looks great.
I won't post instructions here. I'm not sure I could write them clearly enough.
Bonnie Hunter has instructions on her web site and several different variations.
See her Pioneer Braid Border page. I am sure there are other web sites with instructions too.
Other than cutting many many strips, and thinking about lights and darks, this is a pretty simple quilt to make, which may be just what you need. I pull this out in-between other projects where I have to sew things in a certain order, or I have to carefully match corners.
I am also working on a pinwheel pattern with my real feedsack fabric - more on that later.


  1. What a great project to work on- It's really going to be nice when it's finished:) It already looks lovely now...

  2. What a great idea for using up those scraps! I guess we all end up with fabric that we once thought was pretty!!! ;o)
