Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Silk Path quilt now a finish

Good Day and welcome to my blog.  In summer I have more time to sew and quilt and so I have progress and finishes to report.  This week, it's time to feature my Silk Path quilt, following the pattern by Bonnie Hunter.  You can find the pattern HERE.

I used blue and white reproduction fabrics, and I made the quilt about 2/3rds the size of the pattern given.  My 'design floor' is only about 60 inches wide so my quilts tend to be that wide also.  Funny how that works.  This quilt is approximately 60 by 85 inches in size.  After piecing, I sent the quilt to the long arm lady I use, and she did a great job.  I bound the quilt in dark blue fabric saved for this purpose, and it is done!

A closer view:

And a surprise on the back:  Northern lights wide backing, from Backside fabrics:

And the usual (for some quilty blogs) picture of the quilt folded up, on my sewing table.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle and Thread Thursday, Put your Foot Down at the Quiltery, Nina-Marie, Finished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Quilty binding repair

 Good Day and welcome to my blog.  We are currently under the heat dome in the American Midwest.

This week my share is a reunion with a quilt I made for my brother in 2004, and a new binding.  I know it was made in 2004 because I signed and dated the quilt.  Well, it has been used, loved, and washed a good number of times, and the binding was almost completely frayed, all the way around.

What did I learn?  Well, in 2004 I folded the back to the front, trimmed and turned under a seam allowance, and top-stitched.  I had difficulty with the corners.  I had no clue about using continuous binding, as they show in many quilt books and magazines.  I am sorry I did not take any 'before' pictures.

The border fabric had held up well, so I cut off the binding (no unsewing here) and found I had used a thin poly batting, which also had held up well.  I cut a double fold binding (straight of grain, so it may fray again) and sewed it to the back, folded it over to the front, and top stitched it down.  This is how I finish most of my quilts now.

I use This Method to join the binding ends.

OK enough chat, here is the quilt.

This is a Bonnie Hunter pattern, I am pretty sure, but I cannot find it on her current website.  In blues and whites, and a few blue fabrics have faded somewhat.  One fabric on the back (it has a pieced back) was a blue fabric with gold printed stars - the gold is almost gone.

A close up view:

With a new indigo blue binding.  I will return it to my brother this July.

Linking up with Midweek Makers (she featured my finish from last week - thank you!), Wednesday Wait Loss (she featured my finish too - thank you X2!), Needle and Thread Thursday, Put your Foot Down at the Quiltery, Nina-Marie, Finished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A finish: Dutchman's Puzzle quilt

 Welcome to my blog.  It's a beautiful sunny day today, not too hot, where I am.  When I am not working my day job I have time to sew, and time for quilt finishes.  Here is a UFO (Un-finished object) that I started piecing in January 2023, and in May 2023 I had finished the top.  It went off to the long arm quilter I use, came back, and sat.  And sat.

Well this week I trimmed it and bound it, in the same fabric I used for the borders.  Here is an overall view.

The pattern is Dutchman's Puzzle, done in reproduction 1930's fabrics.  I had purchased a stack of fat quarters, and added scraps from my stash.  It is 80 inches by 89 inches, so it's hard to show it all.

A closer view:

And a view of one block:

I finished a quilt in this pattern earlier, using much different fabric.  Oldies from my stash, mixed with newer florals and some batiks:

Yes fabric choices make a difference!  My son is currently using the second one.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle and Thread Thursday, Put your Foot Down at the Quiltery, Nina-Marie, Finished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Current progress on reproduction project

 Here is current progress on my most recent quilt top in reproduction fabrics.  It is a pattern from the book Preserving History by Julie Hendrickson. You sew diagonal rows onto the quilt body, and I have been working from the upper left, and the lower right.

Earlier progress report was in this post.

The quilt top is nearly square at this point, but I want to make it longer than it is wide, so a few more rows to go.  And there will be simple borders on the perimeter.

I just love reproduction fabrics, and I used a wide variety of prints and shirting fabrics in this quilt top.  Here is a close up to show the variety:

I'll be working on this later today, and later this week.  Then it's off to the Long arm quilter I use, for her to do her magic.

Edited Friday to add:  The top is done!  I have decided against adding borders to it.  about 56 by 74 inches right now.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle and Thread Thursday, Put your Foot Down at the Quiltery, Nina-Marie, Finished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at
