Sunday, November 3, 2019

Idaho Square dance comes together

Just a short note today.  I have made some more Idaho Square Dance blocks, so that the set will be 5 by 7 blocks on point, and a border added.
I have started assembling the blocks with alternating navy blue squares (7 inches finished).  In the photo they are laid out on my "Design floor", with dark carpet.

I am liking the way this is turning out, and already thinking of quilting possibilities.

Joining Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at



  1. Love those navy square dancers!

  2. Navy and white, a perfect color choice! Very nice blocks.

  3. It can be hard to envision a monochromatic version of Bonnie's designs. Yours is great.
