Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday Quilt: Off to the long-armer!

Hello and welcome.
I am getting spotty internet on our home network so I am making this quick.
I have a feedsack quilt top that I thought about quilting myself:

This is made from new off white fabric and feedsacks I have collected myself or bought off ebay.
But, the top is 80 inches by 80 inches, hard to push through my machine, and my tension seems to be off when I machine quilt.  Or I get tucks on the front.  So it is off to the local long arm quilter that I use - who does a very nice job indeed.
Close up of the quilt:

Some of those feedsacks may be 'ugly' but it all comes together and looks authentic - as opposed to when you use all 'pretty' fabric.
To be even more authentic, i am using feedsacks on the back:

At an antique fair I was lucky enough to find 4 feedsacks of the same pattern.  When I realized this would be a bit short I started looking on ebay and was even luckier to find a 5th feedsack of the same design!  A pieced back it is!

Linking up with Let's Bee Social, Silly Mama quilts, Can I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Busy Hands quilts.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viridian61/347674418583948?ref=hl



  1. I love your feedsack quilt. I don't find any ugly fabric because they all work together. What luck to find enough of one for the backing.

  2. It's lovely! And it's great that you have a comparable piece for the back.

  3. oh my goodness!!
    so, so lovely!!
    thanks so much for linking up!


  4. My grandmother's feedsack quilt is one of my favorites!!

  5. What a fun project, collecting feedbacks, finding the perfect pattern and putting the quilt together. Don't you love the result. I can't wait to see it quilted.

  6. I think it looks so nice and cuddly. Would you know the name of the pattern? I have a lot of 2" squares (lots were given) and think it would be a good use. I have made 2 postage stamp quilts and this one would be a change.

  7. I find the bigger the quilt and the bulkier it is, the harder it is to quilt it on a domestic machine. I can only quilt a few inches at a time, then I have to adjust the quilt, move the bulk through and it is more like to pull and skip. I've about had it trying to quilt bed-sized on a domestic. Sending one to the longarmer today and am considering upgrading so I can quilt them myself.
