Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday Triangle Sept. 11

You know, having a busy day job really cuts into blogging, and reading others' blogs! :-)

But it's Tuesday and time to share another triangle.  This one is from the bottom row of the Jane Stickle quilt, as shown in the book about this quilt.

With some careful planning this one can be paper pieced.  Indigo blue fabric not black.

Please see dearjane.com for more explanation of the 1863 quilt I am slowly reproducing in blue and white.

Linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Let's Bee Social, Silly Mama quilts, Can I get a Whoop Whoop,Finished or Not at Busy Hands quilts, and Finish it up Friday at Crazy mom quilts.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viridian61/347674418583948?ref=hl



  1. I love that. Yes, busy days at work cut into the things we like to do. I kit a lot of my wuilts, and will carry a project to work on for a few minutes at lunch time. Usually will do some hand piecing.

  2. love how this is coming along!

    and yes, working outside the home does cut into quilting and blogging!

    thanks so much for linking up!


  3. This is fascinating! I can't wait to see how all the pieces together will look.
