Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Quilt top July 3

Happy holidays this week, to those who celebrate.
I took a break from my slow on going Dear Jane project.  In putting my sewing room back together, I found a stash of 2.5 inch fabric strips, 30's reproductions, cut and stashed.  (also a big set of 2 inch strips, but that is another story.)  What to do?
Well, I went to Bonnie Hunter's website, Quiltville.com, and looked up her free patterns. I settled on Crayon box:
And started sewing like the wind:

The white fabric in the middle of the blocks is from leftovers from a quilt backing.  All from stash and leftovers! Fun!  Now to layer and quilt this.
Next up: attacking the large amount of 2 inch strips in 30's fabrics.

Linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Let's Bee Social, Silly Mama quilts.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viridian61/347674418583948?ref=hl

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  1. wow!
    your project looks great!

    thanks so much for linking up!


  2. Great scrap buster. There's something special about each and every scrap quilt .... yours is lovely
