Saturday, April 4, 2015

D is for the double 4 patch block

Running a little late today.  Onward to the letter D.

This is the double 4 patch block, done in reproduction Civil war era fabrics.  With a number of these blocks set together, the light squares make a sort of "path" through the quilt.

I made this quilt square myself, and it finishes at 4 inches.  I feel a little uncomfortable putting others' quilts or diagrams up here - they are not my work.  So I guess after this month is done I'll have a little collection of quilt blocks that could make a baby quilt!


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  1. Quilting is a lot of work. I've seen some fantasic quilts, much nicer than the ones I make. I usually just sew random pieces of scraps together and never have a real pattern.

    My little sister makes very nice quilts and has made one for everyone in the family. I'm going to pass your link to her. I think she'd enjoy your blog.


  2. The link was passed to me. Ha! I will definitely be watching your blog! Thanks for sharing.
