Friday, April 25, 2014

U is for Unexpected Texas, and unexpected new blog finds

One things asked of bloggers is that they visit other blogs, read and comment. And people will probably visit back. And others on the list will visit you.  If I have more TIME I would be doing more of this!

But you do find unexpected gems.  And I'd like to mention Tui Snyder's blog,  Offbeat and Overlooked travel. at  She visited me first, and I visited her back and was intrigued by her whole blog, esp. her photographs.

She has published a book called Unexpected Texas, and that is her U entry, and I am making it my U entry for today.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. I'm honored! :D

    My favorite aspect of the A to Z challenge is discovering bloggers who I didn't know before - such as you!

    Thanks again!

    ~Tui Snider~ Dropping by from the A to Z challenge! :D
    @TuiSnider on Twitter
    My blog: Tui Snider's Offbeat & Overlooked Travel
    I am also part of the #StoryDam team, a friendly writing community!
