Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for Daffodils

A funny name for this flower, now that I think of it.
My daffodils have pushed up several inches in the past week, what with the warmer weather and the rain.
However, only one bud to be seen.  But Spring is in the air, and it is coming!

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  1. I need warmth! I was tricked the other day. Turned off the heat inside it was so nice outside. Then the rain and fog came and now I'm freezing again.
    Hopefully soon we will have sun!
    Nice posts!

    Heather M. Gardner
    The Waiting is the Hardest Part
    Stormy's Sidekick
    Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Co-Host

  2. A couple weeks ago, a lovely daffodil bloomed in our front yard. That night, however, we had an ice storm and the poor thing got ripped to shreds. That's springtime in Texas for ya!

    ~Tui Snider~
    @TuiSnider on Twitter
    My blog: Tui Snider's Offbeat & Overlooked Travel
    I am also part of the #StoryDam team, a friendly writing community!
