Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Quilt blocks Aug. 6

Welcome back to my little blog after I spent a week away. I had some work to do under a deadline, and that was followed by a short business trip related to that deadline work.

But now I am back and ready to catch you up on my Dear Jane quilt project.  The blocks are done and I have started bordering them.  Cut the sashing fabric 1 inch wide and the proper length.  The sashing will be 1/2 inch wide when done. 

Next, I have sewn the bordered blocks together in units of 9. I have kept the center similar to Jane's Mother quilt, and some sort of color order, but after that the blocks are a bit random.  They are not in the same places as in Jane's quilt, which leads to a bit of 'cognitive dissonance', as the psychologists say.  It's that sense of What...??? before your brain reorganizes what it is seeing.

Anyway, this is what the center looks like now:

The top portion is sewn together, the lower blocks on the right and left are just laid out.
I am linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Quilt Story as I do most weeks I have blocks to share. Both blog hops have of pictures of pretty quilt blocks and other projects. I also hope to join Work in Progress Wednesday - if I remember to hook up!
I am on Facebook too: just search for Viridian61.
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  1. Lovely to see your blocks together for a sneak at the final look. Great work!

  2. The top is coming together, looks fabulous and I wish that I could sort through all those little works of art with you! Putting the top together must feel wonderful. What a treasure!

  3. Lovely Dear Jane quilt. I have enjoyed browsing your blog to see your Dear Janaes and have found other treasures as well.
