Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B is for (Quilt) Block

As I do every Tuesday, I am sharing a quilt block, or in this case a triangle, from my current project.  The name of this block, appropriately, is Button hook.

(That top diamond is a bit wonky!)

For those bloggers who are part of the A to Z challenge, I am working on a big quilt project - a Dear Jane or Jane Stickle quilt.  An image of the original quilt is HERE.  The sampler blocks in the center finish at 4.5 inches, and the triangles in the border are 5 inches across and 8 inches tall.  I am very close to being done. Just one or two more triangles and a corner block.

I am linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Quilt Story as I do most weeks I have blocks to share. Both blog hops have of pictures of pretty quilt blocks and other projects.

I am on Facebook too: just search for Viridian61.



  1. So lovely! How long does it take you finish a quilt?

  2. looking lovely! I have always found the triangle blocks of the Dear Jane quilts fascinating, though I've never tried one myself
