Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday Quilt block Feb. 19

It's Tuesday again (how these weeks fly by so fast!) and time to share another quilt block. I tend to do several blocks as I have time for them (say, over Christmas Break), and show them one by one on this blog.

The block above is F-5, Parcheesi.  It is the 168th block I did, meaning I expected it to be the hardest of all.  (For block 169 I had picked out ahead of time a simpler paper-pieced block, to end on a happier note.)

Well I was not disappointed.  Applique all the melons and squares?  I did not think I could avoid wonky placement.  So I followed Anina's instructions in which the squares and the background are pieced, and then you add the melons by reverse applique.  Turning under the seam allowances and then sewing them down for the melons was a nightmare, especially at the corners of the melons.  It is because of how the block is constructed, and not Anina's fault in her directions, let me be clear.  It's just a difficult block.

I am joining Connie at Freemotion by the river  as I do most Tuesdays.  Drop by her blog to see the pretty things others are doing!

I am on Facebook too: just search for Viridian61. I post only when I have put up a blog post, and very little else.


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