Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday Quilt Block Oct. 16

I am back with a Tuesday quilt block after a week away.

 Why? I didn't have anything new to show! Life has been busy and it's been hard to get into my sewing room, until recently.

This is Fireweed Flower.  I added some seam lines and broke it down into four section, to avoid set in seams (also known as Y seams).  The down side to this is that when sewing the four sections together, you really need to line up your pieces.  Which I did and didn't - that top center seam bothers me but you can see I am not going to redo it.  As  makers of the Dear Jane quilt say, "Finished is better than perfect."

I am linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and with Quilt Story, as I do most weeks. Both blog hops have of pictures of pretty quilt blocks and other projects.

I am on Facebook too: just search for Viridian61.

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  1. Popped by from Freemotion by the River and also Quilt Story. What a cute block - I hadn't spotted the seam until you mentioned it! Good to meet you :)

  2. Great block! I'll do just about anything to avoid a y seams. Making sure they match seems to be so much easier than Y seams, at least for me. I'll keep this in mind when I tackle this block.

  3. I'll have to remember that one (finished is better than perfect)!
    Love your block.
