Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Fragments Sept. 14

Mommy's Idea

Hey it's Friday again! Why do these weeks go by so fast?
Please visit Mrs. 4444 at her blog Half Past Kissin Time, and see how lots of fun people are doing this week.

I wish I were on sabbatical. Instead I am teaching an overload, 3 classes instead of 2. I prep ahead and feel pretty good about it, then bam, a day goes by and I am behind again.

Second Son is very happy because he has a new bicycle!  It is full sized, 21 speeds (!!! not needed in our flat area, but hey why not) and in cool colors. He loves it.  His old bicycle, a 10 speed that is still very servicable, will be fixed with new tires and inner tubes at our local bike shop, and will go to The Girl.  She is OK with the fact that it is a boy's bike, and blue - she is ready to give up her pink and purple with glitter little girl bike.

Weight loss: I had actually lost a little until a family weekend over Labor Day, with classic American picnic foods and too much chocolate cake and ice cream.  I am back to being careful and I am maintaining.

Agricultural report:  We now have 10 tomatoes in various sizes, some large enough to weigh down the plants.  They are all still green, but this is progress.

A busy start to the week has me humming Just another Manic Monday in my head.  Most of the time.

I'm on facebook If you'd like notices of when I post (and very little else really).  Go to  and Like me.



  1. New bicycles are always a cause for celebration. I remember when I got my first 10 speed. I don't think I fully understood what the different speeds meant, or how best to use them, but I felt very grown up.

  2. When I taught it was in a small private school and I ALWAYS taught 5 preps, some years 6. That's just the way it is in small private.

    Lots of work.

    Minimal pay.

  3. I don't have any more green tomatoes. My plants are over loaded with red tomatoes. I can't eat them fast enough. I wish I knew how to can them.

  4. There is nothing quite like a new bicycle. I loved bikes as a child and I love them today.

  5. I just cranked up the Bangles on my iTunes. Monday does tend to ruin dreams.
    I believe the girl vs. boy bike design was because of dresses. Who wears dresses riding a bike anymore?
