Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday fragments June 8

Are you ready to fragment? See Mrs. 4444 for her fragmenting party. Click on the icon below.

Mommy's Idea

I had thoughts on and off all week about FF - now that I'm sitting down at the computer on Friday morning they have evaporated, I guess.

#1 son's hair is growing back out, and he hasn't attempted to cut it again, so that is good.

In bad news: I backed into a street sign (which promptly fell over) and I damaged a reflector near the bottom of the right hand side of the van.  OK, it's completely wrecked, but the bumper is not crushed, thank goodness.  Sometimes I just don't want to leave the house.

I exercised more this week, and I am feeling better.  Didn't lose any weight though. :-(

We had a morning of room clean up, and a morning of clothes sorting.  Many clothes are going off to charity.  I must say that Second Son and the Girl did a great job, without a complaint.

Well that is all until next time.  I will be on the road on a family vacation next Friday and I may or may not be able to check in.


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  1. Keep going with the weight loss. It stalls sometimes but then all of a sudden you will be 5 lbs down. It will be worth it.

  2. I need to do another charity clothing clean out... the boys just keep growing...

  3. Have fun vacation time. If I don't write my FF ideas during the week I forget.

  4. Have fun! Are you doing postcrossing too??? Are you where I got the idea?

  5. my thoughts habitually evaporate and float off - - -

  6. It was not a good week for backing up for the Friday Fragmenters!
