Monday, June 20, 2011

Why don't I like this quilt top?

There's really nothing technically wrong with it, but something is missing for me (no, not the border!)

Though a border would help.
The logs finish at 1/2 inches wide.

My analysis: 1. too many 'busy' fabrics for logs of this size. 2. too much 'light' - I like log cabin quilts with dark predominant. 3. maybe I'm not used to looking at the courthouse steps arrangement - this is the first one I have made.  4. It needs a border.

It's summer and I have more time, so I am trying again.  This time the logs will finish at 3/4 inches.  There is more of a mix of colors, and I've switched positions of the dark and light fabrics so the dark will predominate.  We'll see!



  1. I really like this quilt...I like the light dominating though it is not the usual arrangement. I see Chinese lanterns all in a row!

  2. I love this quilt, it is softer then what I normally like too
    what I would do is turn the quilt so the darks are on the top going down
    I think you may like it better and do a dark border
    just my humble opinion

  3. This quilt is lovely, it's unusually light and I adore it. Please give it a chance, the border could change it all for you. If you are still unsure of it and want to sell the top let's chat! ~~Lisa

  4. I am really tickled to have found you thru Pink Saturday. I am a quilter, too, so am loving your posts. I have now upped your followers to the BIG 90. I like the quilt. Once you get the binging on it, it will look perfect. I am so critical of what I do....maybe you have a bit of that disease, too. Yes, it is summer, and school is out so I really need to finish up some of the ones started during the school year. Genie

  5. I love your quilt top! I always gravitate to the pinks and browns.I do like the idea of adding a border.

  6. Perhaps you are a wee bit too critical. It is a lovely top and will make a charming quilt.......
