Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vintage Thingy Thursday: Peary reaches the North Pole!

I am joining Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingy Thursday. Click on the image above to see some wonderful old things.

I should really wait until April to share this but: here is a vintage booklet called "Peary and the Discovery of the North Pole."
It was published by the John Hancock Life Insurance Company of Boston MA, copyright 1927.  This is well after the fact of Peary attaining the Pole in April 1909.

Still I imagine this feat would still have appeal, such as the moon landings had appeal long after the fact.
Interesting side note: Matthew Henson is mentioned in the booklet, but no mention of the fact he was African-American (negro, they would say in those days).

PS: no mention of Santa Claus either!!!


  1. Since the book involves the north pole, it is more appropriate for you to share it now. That is one I never heard of.

  2. Now I am wondering…Did Santa start living at the North Pole before or after it was discovered?

  3. I fixed the link....sorry, don't know how I did that!!! guess I feel worse than I thought!!! What a great book, that is so interesting!!!

  4. Neat booklet.
    I think Santa made a deal with them not to be mentioned.

  5. Never heard of this book-it looks really neat!
