Monday, April 12, 2010

How is Danette?

I've never met Danette. She lives in Haiti and made this potholder, which I purchased from the Haiti Peacequilts project, back in September 2009. Since the huge earthquake in Haiti I've thought of her and how she is surviving. I am sad to say I have thought less and less of the people of Haiti as time goes by. But I am thinking of Danette again.

I visited the Bennington Museum in Bennington VT in September 2009 to see the Mother quilt made by Jane Stickle. See this web site for more information on the quilt, and the book you can buy.

In the same gallery were two other antique quilts from the Museum's collection, and the flag flown by the colonials during the Battle of Bennington, which itself is pretty amazing. And, there was an exhibit of quilts and photos from Haiti, from Peacequilts. It was a very moving exhibit. Although time goes by let us remember the difficulties the people of Haiti face, and donate what we can.


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