Sunday, January 17, 2010

Take this tune... Heartbreak

Fairweather at Take this Tune is "Riffin' on Heartbreak". Indeed a constant theme in all genres of music. Surprisingly, I couldn't think of a good heart break song that came right to mind. But, I did think of a movie that, for me, is number one in the Heartbreak Department. And that is "Somewhere in Time" starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.

From the Internet Movie Database:

Tagline: "Some day in the past, he will find her."
Plot:" A Chicago playwright uses self-hypnosis to find the actress whose vintage portrait hangs in a grand hotel." But this doesn't begin to catch the feeling of this movie.

Even shown on late-night TV, broken up by thousands of commercials, it still made me weepy.
Embedding is disabled, so I will send you to You Tube, where the whole movie is there, in 7 14 to 15 minute pieces. This is a link to the last part, with the serious heartbreak.

Bring a hankie.

1 comment:

  1. Somewhere In Time is a great movie. I love the ones where people find each other over time and space. It is what makes a real oldie a great movie: Portrait of Jeanie
