Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday: Take this tune

Well, at some point I should get back to my regularly scheduled quilt content. At least some of my 37 followers might be looking for it!

In the meantime, I am having fun with Jamie's meme, Take this tune. It's silliness this week, so I naturally thought of Monty Python. Some of their songs are not G-rated, and some of course will offend. But here is the Philosopher's Drinking Song, as visualized by dachshund2k3. Love the paintings and statues.

And I learned how to embed video! Thank you for your help.


1 comment:

  1. Great post. I love Monty Python anything. Of the videos on you tube The Galaxy Song is a great video

    Hope you made the rounds of the others playing and will join us again next week.
