Wednesday, September 9, 2009

VTT: doll quilt

Hello. Once again I'm participating in Vintage Thingy Thursday, hosted by ColoradoLady.

Today: A sweet doll quilt, held here by my son's favorite Teddy bear. And I took this picture before I looked at ColoradoLady's blog! I guess it was meant to be.

Four blocks by four blocks in size, each block is a random log cabin block, with strings being added outward from the center. Many of the fabrics are feedsack, and they are faded. The solid peach colored fabric is not. I think it is pieced by machine.

There is batting of some sort, and a feedsack backing. I know, because I have the same feedsack in a different color. The quilt is tied by a sturdy pink string in the middle of each block only. The batting is not lumpy, which makes me think this doll quilt has not been washed, or not often, or else the batting would bunch up. The edges are turned in (knife edge finish) and there is no binding.

I found this in an Ohio Antiques shop some years ago. Some little girl must have loved its soft colors. I would guess it is from the 1940's or so.

Happy Vintage Thingy Thursday!


  1. I know Suzanne will love that there is a bear in your post. Love the backside fabric as well as the front!

  2. that's a nice little quilt. I love to look at those old print fabrics.

  3. What a sweet little quilt for a
    cute little bear! :)

  4. Yes, the colors are wonderful. I know very little about quilts, but that one's a "keeper"!

  5. i LOVE it..the colours & fabrics are ssoo perfect!!..i love collecting vintage quilts too especially anything made from feedsacks :)

  6. What a great find! I love doll quilts.

  7. What a sweet little piece of the past and in lovely colors too.

  8. That little quilt is very beautiful and it has been handled with love and care.

  9. The bear was cute enough for a post - - - and then you added that darling doll quilt too!!!

  10. What an adorable post...Love that little bear, and I guess you knew I would, but that little quilt is so pretty. I love the soft colors, and these two go so well together...they whisper comfort to me!! Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  11. Love the teddy bear too, but of course any vintage quilt gets my first vote!

  12. Wonderful vintage doll quilt! Looks like a 30s style crazy quilt to me-lucky you!

  13. It's funny that the feed sacks sometimes look so contemporary! I'm lovin your quilt!
