Sunday, January 4, 2009

Miniature Madness!

The blocks in the original quilt by Jane Stickle, and as drawn and published by Brenda Papadakis in her book "Dear Jane" finish at 4.5 inches. This is considered small, tiny even. Over Christmas break I got the strange idea of making a few blocks even smaller, so that these 4.5 inch blocks would look large. Say, 3 inches, finished.

And, in a switch from my Civil War reproduction fabrics, maybe use 30's and 40's reproduction fabrics. Or... the blocks are so small, I could use my actual precious pieces of 30's and 40's fabrics and feedsacks.

Oh no! I am truly insane now. I have two other Jane-related quilts in progress! But these blocks are so cute...

A note on the blocks: I am using the Dear Jane software from the Electric Quilt company to size these blocks to 3 inches, finished. Thank you to the designers and publishers of this great product. If you have the $ I recommend this software.


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