Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Dutchman's Puzzle: Progress report

 Good day and welcome to my blog.

I've been busy catching up, back from vacation.  But I was able to get a little sewing in.  I had Dutchman's Puzzle blocks, some that were the correct size, and some that were too small.  For the small ones, I cut sashing 1/4 inch larger, and measured and trimmed.  Wouldn't you know, some are still too small, so I will have a smaller quilt and hopefully enough fabric for wider borders.  The plan now is for 7 by 9 blocks.  Here is what I have so far:

A nice rich dark blue for sashing.  And a close up view:

A wide variety of prints and backgrounds used, fabrics from the early 1990's to now!  There is quite a range for future quilt historians to ponder.  I wonder if antique quilts also contain fabric from over a 30 year time span?  Quite possibly.

I'll try to find time this week to get this (mostly) to a top, and ponder on borders.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Put your foot down at For the love of geese, Needle and Thread ThursdayCan I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Back from Alaska and more shopping

 I am back from my second trip this summer, to Alaska.  Hubby and I had a wonderful time, but I won't bore you with details.  Except, my fabric shopping!  Of course!

From Shop #1, Northern Threads in Fairbanks:

A beautiful kit with panel and fabric.  No we did not see the northern lights (nights are only 4 hours long in Fairbanks in the summer!) but it will be a memory anyways.

Shop #2 in McKinley Park (just outside Denali):

A set of Fat quarters.  Some of the fabrics are from a line of Texas wildflowers, but so what - they remind me of the flowers I saw in AK.

Shops #3 and #4, Quilt Tree and Quilted Raven in Anchorage:

Cedar waxwing fabric, and on the right, fabric with ravens and salmon pictured.  So pretty.  Now to get to work on finding coordinating fabric and start on some AK projects.  But first, a UFO - the Dutchman's Puzzle project I blogged about previously.

Linking up with Midweek Makers, Put your foot down at For the love of geese, Needle and Thread ThursdayCan I get a Whoop Whoop, Nina-MarieFinished or Not at Alycia Quilts, Oh Scrap at Quilting is more Fun than Housework.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at
