Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday Quilt block Nov. 24

Catching up after two weeks.... I had to order fabric for the first star below!

On Barbara Brackman's blog she recently described "early roller print clouds and storms".  Here is block number 1:

And last week, she described and showed examples of "corals and seaweed" prints.  My star is below.

This is an older Jinny Beyer print, and looks ferny or seaweedy to me.  As does the background fabric.

I am linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River and Quilt Story as I do most weeks I have blocks to share. Both blog hops have pictures of pretty quilt blocks and other projects. I am also joining Work in Progress Wednesday - some colorful and interesting projects there!

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt posts at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viridian61/347674418583948?ref=hl


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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday Quilt fabric Nov. 10

Very busy for two weeks here!  No time or fabric for a Tuesday Quilt block.

Stars in a Time Warp:  This past week Barbara Brackman described provincial prints.  I have two that I purchased in Florence Italy (in 1994) and I still do not want to cut them up, not even for this project.  So I scanned the fabric!

Bright colors, spaced flower or mignonette motifs, white "halo" around them.  I also purchased this fabric in red, and purchased a border stripe:

Someday I will use these.  Not yet.

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