Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Fragments April 27

Let's fragment away.

 Mommy's Idea

 Newest news first. #1 son is suspended for 5 days and I interrupted my blogging to go pick him up at school this morning. He has this occasional habit of picking up cigarette butts and collecting them in a plastic bag. He cannot explain why. He doesn't smoke. Well, today he brought this bag to school and was found out. There is a no-tobacco policy at school so he is suspended.  The vice principal was apologetic, as he too knows #1 Son does not smoke. 
As always, Son claims he's not in trouble.

The agony of twelve year old girl friendships:  A misunderstanding between the Girl and a friend blew up and involved other girls.  And some other girl's cell phones were used to send not-nice texts to the friend.  My daughter does not have a cell phone but she was involved, so she is grounded too, for a week.  I don't think she is getting a cell phone anytime soon.  12 is too young to have a cell phone!  The potential for misuse is so high.

I wasn't able to get to my sewing room this week and do any sewing or quilting, so no Tuesday quilt block.  Maybe next week, when I am home with #1 son.

It's the last week of school at the college where I work.  So stress levels are high, among faculty and students.  Finals week comes almost as a relief to some of us.

It's an old saying, but I wish I had this as a bumper sticker:  "Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasekt?"


See more fragmenters at Mrs. 4444's blog.

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Fragments April 20

Mommy's Idea

Time for Friday Fragments.  Step over to Mrs. 4444's blog to see more participants.

Blogger has a new interface and I don't like it. Why? Because it is new and I'll have to learn to navigate it. Actually it does look streamlined and I am sure I will be OK by next week.

The Girl has asked to join her friends at the ice creamstore (again) today. So has #1 son.  We told #1 son no, he must get on the bus. Wanna bet he ends up at the ice cream store?

I am trying to lose weight as my ticker shows above.  I am even part of a local (not national) program.  So why did I eat leftovers last night?  Argh.  That is #1 Son's job, that eating machine.  Or just toss them in the garbage.  I know we feel guilty about throwing out food, but still.  It's just more weight I will have to lose.


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Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday Quilt block April 17

Another block finished over Easter Break.

Onc could do this Jane Stickle block with curved piecing, but I chose to applique quarter circles onto white squares, then sew the 4 squares together.  This fabric is also from the Friendship line recently put out by Moda.  I used another fabric from this line for my Gloriae block.

I'm linking up with Connie at Quilting by the River.

And I'm linking up to another linky party: Quilt Story.
See what other quilt and crafty projects people are sharing!


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Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Fragments Apr. 13

Mommy's Idea

I am waiting on my morning coffee - anxiously.....

I don't think I have mentioned it before, but #1 son is developmentally delayed. (Oh V, tell it like it is, he is retarded.)  He is 15 but mentally about 7.  This brings various trials, some of which happened this week.
On Wednesday the Girl had asked and received permission to go to a ice cream store with her friends instead of coming home on the bus.  So when dad came home (he goes to work very early so that he can come home early to meet the bus) he wasn't surprised that Girl wasn't there - but he was surprised that #1 Son did not get off the bus.  You guessed it - #1 son decided to go to ice cream store too.  I suspected this, but still it was scary b/c we didn't know where he was.  When dad picked up the Girl at the prearranged time there was #1 son, so all worked out.  Sort of.

#1 Son ended up in his room and lost privileges.  The tough part was, he insisted he wasn't in trouble and I think he really didn't know what he did wrong.  He wanted to go so he did.  Dad picked him up so it was OK.  He kept trying to get out of his room.  He kept saying "I not in trouble!" Not even my sister in law, who is close to him, could convince him otherwise.  She was confused and troubled by this.  "Welcome to our world," answered my husband.

My sons received for Christmas a set of walkie talkies - real ones, not kid toy ones.  I think they have a range of a mile or two.  They have fooled around with them a little bit, but this week (yesterday) the 2 boys were using them and discovered that someone else was using the same channel -- and they talked to this stranger.  This happened when both Dad and I were working late and no adults were home.  I am indebted to the Girl for this information.  Second son gave one of the walkie talkies to a friend and only had one when dad came home.  It is gone now needless to say.  Second son was angry and defensive when we talked to him last night.  And he was furious with the Girl for "tattling."  I hugged the Girl and told her she did the right thing.  Good Lord this could have ended up much worse.  You understand why Dad and I rarely work late and go over our schedules beforehand to check on 'coverage.'  Yes, I realize things happen even with 'coverage' but we feel better if one of us is at home.

Well that is enough for one week.  Let's hope Friday is calmer. See more Fragments at Half-past Kissin time.


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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rednesday April 11

Happy Rednesday!  It's Spring, and old projects get reinvigorated.  I have another Jane Stickle block to share with you.

This block is called Gloriae (I am pretty sure) and those tight points gave me some trouble!  I followed the advice and instructions from Anina to help with this one.  Thanks Anina!   as I said in my previous post, I am down to the difficult blocks now - and for me that means applique, or set in seams, or both.

The red fabric here is brand new.  It is part of the Friendship Collections for a Cause line from Moda.  The color is similar to a slightly faded turkey red - love it.

I am joining Sue loves cherries for the Rednesday blog hop.

I'm on facebook at if you would like to follow me.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday Quilt block

It was Easter Vacation and I had a little time to work on quilt blocks.  I am back in the groove with my Dear Jane project!  I started in the Fall of 2007 so it has taken me awhile to finish 158 blocks out of 169, and most of the triangles.  Unfortunately, most of the blocks left are hard ones.  Such as this one:

It finishes at 4.5 inches.  It is called Tinker Toy and involved matching stripes, applique, and reverse applique.  I had been saving this striped fabric just for a block like this.  The corner blocks are supposed to be set in via Y-seams, but I balked and just appliqued them on.

I'm linking up with Connie at Quilting by the River.

And I'm linking up to another linky party: Quilt Story.
See what other quilt and crafty projects people are sharing!

I'm on facebook at if you would like to follow me.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Pink saturday April 6

But you have to post on Friday afternoon, or you will get lost in the listings at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.
I am posting an exchange quilt block, in pink and purple batik fabric.  All it needs now is my signature and date.

 A batch of these will be sent to a lady volunteer in Illinois, who will swap out blocks from about 40 to 50 women, and then package them up and send them out.  I'll receive about 50 blocks from around the country, even from around the world, from women interested in the same quilt project I have been working on for some time now.

I've heard it said that men use the internet to say nasty things to each other and spam one another, and women use it to help one another and send small gifts to each other.  Hurrah for women!

Visit Beverly for more Pink!

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Friday Fragments April 6

Time to de-fragment!

I was ready to defragment on Wednesday, my last day of school before our longish Easter Break.  It felt like Friday too!  I went to Mrs. 4444's blog to find her Friday Fragments, but it wasn't there!  THEN I remembered it was only Wednesday.

What I did find was Mrs. 4444's entry on Anna's blog at an Inch of Gray.  I have been reading Anna's blog even before that terrible accident.  Anna's blog entry made me tear up - again- and resolve to do more with people I know who are grieving.  Especially months afterwards.

Anna's blog postings make me hug my own children tighter, and more often, much to their dismay.

Earlier this week, I was burning my Febreze candle to get the chili smell out of the kitchen. (Chili is great but the smell lingers!)  My second son said, "Mommy, may I burn my candle?" (His candle is the one I bought from him to support the choir fundraiser.) "Of course, dear," I said, thrilled that at 13 he used 'mommy', and reaching for the matches.  "I can light it myself," second son reminded me.  Of course, former boy scout, and 13, you can.

The Girl however is sure that we are the worst parents in the world.  She is 11, almost 12, and we would not let her go to see The Hunger Games with her friend!  Horrible parents!  And yesterday I washed her bed sheets and did not put the bottom sheet back on.  Bad mommy - you disturbed the 50 stuffed animals and pillows on her bed!  And now she has to put the bottom sheet back on herself!
I found her this AM in a ball, wrapped in a blanket, on top of the mattress pad, sheets still on the floor.  A sign of fun times to come in the next few years.


I'm on facebook at if you would like to follow me.

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