Tuesday, June 30, 2009

progress on the Quilts

Triangle RS (right side) 10, Grandma Nan's Bodice, and E-7 Bread basket.
For RS 10, I paper pieced the top part. I cut a large piece of the focus fabric, and appliqued the white material on: two curving side pieces, and then the triangle. I have not cut away the blue material and it shadows through a bit.

Margo's giveaway

One of the blogs I follow has moved to a new home. Let's hope that all her problems get worked out soon!
But what I really want is the bracelet that she is giving away as part of her blog warming. So check out

Monday, June 29, 2009

What I did not buy this weekend

Well, I did not buy a book that might be interesting but has an outrageous price tag.

I like quilts and making quilts. I especially like antique quilts and learning more about the history behind them. I may have most of the State quilt history books - Kentucky quilts (one of the first quilt documentation projects), Indiana quilts, Arizona quilts, Massachusetts quilts (amazing!)... and others, about quilts on the Oregon trail, Amish quilts, Mennonite quilts....

So, when visiting Amazon.com recently, I searched for quilt history books. I actually did buy Massachusetts Quilts - an oversized book with amazing quilts, excellent photos and insightful and historically accurate commentary. And I searched for similar books, and found this one:

A similar book published in 2000 on historical quilts in Rhode Island. "Down by the Old Mill Stream: Quilts in Rhode Island". But the price! $1500!!!! This is for a gently used copy. I suppose not many copies were printed, and someone thinks they can get away with this price. Maybe they can, as there is one copy at Alibris, different seller, for the same price. I wish I had bought this book back in 2000, when I first noticed it listed on Amazon.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Grandpa as a little girl

OK, here's the real story, at least what can be remembered from 60 + years ago.
My mom does remember my grandfather talking about being a little girl, as I recounted in my previous post. What I didn't remember though, is that he was the Youngest of three brothers. That is my grand-dad, cute as a button, in that pretty white dress.

My Aunt K, (Mom's younger sister) who read my blog entry, said that she remembered her dad teasing her that yes, he was once a little girl, and had the picture to prove it. And there it is, above.

My grandfather died at a very young age of a massive heart attack. I never met him. I wish him Happy Father's Day however and think of him this time of year. Why? Because this is the time of year that kids say - "Gee, there is Mother's Day, and Father's Day - when is it Kid's Day?" My mom says his answer was always - "EVERY DAY is Kid's day!"


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vintage Thingie Thursday

This is a vintage carte de visite that I purchased some time ago in an antiques store not far from where I live. These sweet children are from Ploughkeepsie NY and this picture was probably taken before 1910. Someone went wild with the curling iron!

I wonder if the child with the long dark ringlets is a boy. In those days, all little ones were dressed in skirts. My mom tells a story about her father, my grandfather. When she and her brother were acting up, he would solemnly say,
"When I was a little girl, we never acted like this!"
"Oh, dad, you were never a little girl!" they would reply.
"Oh no?" And he would pull out a photo much like this of him and his younger brother, dressed in white blouses, skirts, and stockings. That silenced them!


Saturday, June 6, 2009


Off on vacation!
See you in a week or so.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vintage Thingie Thursday

Today I have for you the Twice 55 Community Songs, the New Green Book. I believe the copyright is from 1930, though I admit I have trouble understanding roman numerals. I found it in my favorite thrift store for 69 cents.

Turning the pages of this book actually makes me sad. People sang more in the past - not only carry a tune but sing in rounds, or be able to harmonize. I'm not that old (am I?) but other than "Happy Birthday" what does our family sing together? And "Happy Birthday" is getting more pitiful every year. I know only a few songs in here (like "Alouette", and a few we sing in church.) I could not look at the music for "The Village Dance" for instance, and have a clue how the melody goes. My husband could, however.

There is much that has been lost.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Finally, some quilting content!

This is Brandon's Star. I am making a set of these for the Spring fling swap that is active on a Dear Jane quilt mailing list.