Monday, February 25, 2008


Argh! Somehow I didn't realize that if anyone clicks on my photos (or any photo in a blog on this server) you get the larger version. Which means you can see all the untrimmed threads and ragged edges in my blocks. That won't stop me from posting another picture though.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

6 More Dear Jane blocks

here are six more jane blocks that I have finished some time ago. I now have 51 blocks done on my main project. I'll post these 6 by 6.
I broke my 'no-buy' rule this week. I'm cutting way back on fabric and quilting expenses. In fact I spent nearly nothing this year so far (OK, I paid a long arm quilter to quilt a single bed quilt.) But no fabric. Well, until I stopped to get yet more background fabric for my dear jane quilt. And bought fabrics on line at They have Civil War repros that you just can't find anywhere else.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Six blocks at a time

Here are some more Dear Jane blocks. Some I did at the very beginning of my journey, in October and November of 2007, and some more recently. Members of the Dear Jane email list may note some Blocks of the Month (BOW) here.
Me: I have been fighting a bad cold lately. I would rather nap than sew, so I must be quite sick!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

More photos

In the 2nd photo, of the red blocks, note the upper right one, Stephanies' snowflake. I made some mistakes and now I call it Stephanies' Spider.

Dear Jane Block Photos

Finally photos.

I'm not sure how they will show up on the blog, but my first two are of Brandon's Star, a previous Block of the Month (BOM) in two different colors, and a set of pink triangles. Many pieces here! Hurrah for paper piecing!

The pink triangles (in 1800's and double pinks) will be in a pink and white Dear Jane Quilt for my daughter.

The Brandon's star photo shows how I usually work. I make one in repro pinks, and another in 1800's or Civil War reproduction fabrics, using lots of red and green.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bad weather

Well the 6-8 inches of snow turned to 1/2 inch. However the freezing rain and sleet made up for it. But it's interesting how some ice can bring so much to a near standstill.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Why am I here?

An existential question we all ask. I am looking for a way to share my Dear Jane quilt photos with my fellow janiacs. I am leery of posting personal information or personal pictures, so don't look for that here. Of course, my total blog readership will be myself and one random individual - that's what the stats show anyway.